Cheap flights and airline tickets from 540 Ghana Ltd.

Helping travelers to find the best flight offers

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540 Ghana Ltd.

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540 Ghana Ltd. direct flights

Flaut.Travel looks up for airline tickets from 540 Ghana Ltd. not only within airline databases, but through all sorts of travel agencies and resellers. In the following section you can observe 540 Ghana Ltd. ticket offers without stops and transfers

540 Ghana Ltd. baggage rules

Baggage Rules of 540 Ghana Ltd.

As with any airline, 540 Ghana Ltd. has baggage rules that passengers need to follow. Understanding these rules ahead of time can help you avoid any inconvenience or extra fees upon checking in.


Passengers on 540 Ghana Ltd. may check in up to two pieces of luggage for free. The weight of each piece must not exceed 23kg (50lbs) and the total combined weight of both pieces must not exceed 46kg (100lbs). Children under two years old do not receive a free luggage allowance.

Hand Baggage

Passengers are allowed to bring one piece of hand baggage on board with them. This bag must not exceed 7kg (15lbs) and must fit in the overhead compartment or under the seat in front of you.

Excess or Overweight Baggage

If your luggage exceeds the weight limit or you have more than two pieces, you will be charged an excess baggage fee. The fee varies depending on the weight of the luggage and the destination you are traveling to. It's best to check ahead of time to avoid any unpleasant surprises at the airport.

Items Prohibited for Carriage

There are certain items that are not allowed on board 540 Ghana Ltd. flights. These include explosives, weapons, flammable substances, and some foods. It's important to check the full list of prohibited items before packing to ensure compliance with safety regulations.

In conclusion, knowing the baggage rules of 540 Ghana Ltd. can save you time and money. Make sure to read and understand the rules before packing to avoid any extra fees or delays at the airport.

Sales and special offers on tickets from 540 Ghana Ltd.

540 Ghana Ltd. launches sales and special offers on their tickets very often. We are keeping a sharp eye on such events to make sure you can always save on their tickets. Keep in mind that those offers usually have a limited timeframe and by the time of search may already be sold.

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