Cheap flights and airline tickets from Colorful Guizhou Airlines

Helping travelers to find the best flight offers

Colorful Guizhou Airlines direct flights

Flaut.Travel looks up for airline tickets from Colorful Guizhou Airlines not only within airline databases, but through all sorts of travel agencies and resellers. In the following section you can observe Colorful Guizhou Airlines ticket offers without stops and transfers

Colorful Guizhou Airlines baggage rules

Baggage Rules of Colorful Guizhou Airlines

Colorful Guizhou Airlines has certain rules and regulations for baggage allowance. Passengers are advised to check the following guidelines before packing their bags and heading to the airport.


Each passenger can check-in up to 2 pieces of luggage, with each piece not exceeding 23 kg (50 lbs) for domestic flights and 32 kg (70 lbs) for international flights. Extra luggage or bags exceeding the weight limit will be charged a fee. Passengers must also ensure that their luggage is securely packed and has identification tags.

Hand baggage

Passengers are allowed to carry one piece of hand baggage weighing not more than 5 kg (11 lbs) and measuring no more than 115 cm (45 inches) in total dimensions. This includes the handles, wheels, and any other attachments. Any hand baggage exceeding the limit will be taken as checked baggage and charged accordingly.

Excess or overweight baggage

In case a passenger's luggage exceeds the allowance limit, a certain charge will apply which is calculated based on weight and destination. The charges increase with more excess luggage per kg. If your luggage exceeds the weight limit, you can either reduce the weight by taking out some items or pay the excess baggage fees.

Items prohibited for carriage

Passengers are not allowed to carry items that can endanger other passengers and crew or damage the aircraft. Prohibited items include firearms, explosives, flammable substances, and corrosives. Sporting goods like golf clubs and skis must be packed correctly to avoid damage to the aircraft. You can check with the airline's customer service for the complete list of prohibited items.

Sales and special offers on tickets from Colorful Guizhou Airlines

Colorful Guizhou Airlines launches sales and special offers on their tickets very often. We are keeping a sharp eye on such events to make sure you can always save on their tickets. Keep in mind that those offers usually have a limited timeframe and by the time of search may already be sold.

Frequently asked questions about the airline

Answers to questions about the airline that travelers are most interested in

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