Cheap Flights from Havana to Chihuahua starting at $348

Helping travelers to find the best flight offers

Cheapest flights from Havana to Chihuahua

Flaut.Travel was designed and developed by a team dedicated to making the process of searching, comparing and booking airline tickets as easy and convenient as possible. Our service helps travelers to find and buy the cheapest flights from Havana to Chihuahua. We have connected more than 40 airlines and airline ticketing agencies to help you find the most suitable and affordable flight option.



06 February 2025

Departure date

2 transfers

Starting at $348

Cheapest flight from Havana to Chihuahua found by our users within the last two days:departing at 6 February 2025 and operated by VivaAerobus (VB-313). The price of that ticket was $348 at the time of it's discovery
Fastest flight from Havana to Chihuahua found by our users within the last two days:departing at 6 February 2025 and operated by VivaAerobus (VB-313). The price of that ticket was $348 at the time of it's discovery

Average airfares of the route for each month of the year

We carefully collect statistics on the search and pricing of airlines and, based on these data, we make an assumption about future prices. Thus, you can better understand which season is the cheapest to fly from Havana to Chihuahua

Airlines operating on route

Below you will find a list of airlines operating flights on the Havana — Chihuahua route and the starting prices for flights of each specific airline on it.

Starting at $348

Havana airports overview


Jose Marti International Airport

Airlines flying to this airport
Starting at
On average

Chihuahua airports overview


Gen Fierro Villalobos Airport

Airlines flying to this airport
Starting at
On average

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Answers to questions about the route that travelers are most interested in.

How much is the cheapest flight ticket from Havana to Chihuahua?

The cheapest flight ticket from Havana to Chihuahua according to data for the last 48 hours costs $348

When is the best time to buy air tickets on the route Havana — Chihuahua?

Often the best time to buy tickets from Havana to Chihuahua is 2 months before departure.

When is the cheapest time of year to fly from Havana to Chihuahua?

Based on statistics over the past years, the lowest prices for flights from Havana to Chihuahua can be found flying in these months: February.

When is the best time to buy air tickets on the route Havana — Chihuahua?

Often the best time to buy tickets from Havana to Chihuahua is 2 months before departure.

Which airline can fly direct from Havana to Chihuahua?

The following airlines operate direct flights on the route Havana — Chihuahua:

Alternative routes