Teniente J. Gallardo

Helping travelers to find the best flight offers


Teniente J. Gallardo Airport, also known as Neuquén Airport, was founded in 1972 and is situated approximately 10 kilometers from the city center of Neuquén, Argentina. It serves as a main hub for Aerolíneas Argentinas, the largest airline in the country. The airport consists of a single terminal building that houses both domestic and international flights. The terminal is well designed and efficiently laid out, with modern amenities and services for passengers. It is easy to navigate and all areas are interconnected, making it convenient for travelers to move between check-in, security, and boarding gates. Teniente J. Gallardo Airport serves as a crucial transportation hub for the Neuquén region, connecting travelers to various destinations across Argentina and beyond. With its strategic location and major airline hub status, the airport plays a vital role in facilitating tourism and economic development in the area.


Lieutenant Julio Gallardo Airport





Cheap flights to Teniente J. Gallardo for closest dates

You will find the cheapest flights to Teniente J. Gallardo down below. Airfare prices are sorted by date and are shown for the next few days, but not more than for a month. This is a great opportunity for people who can spontaneously decide to travel!

17 May 2024

Departure date

Direct flight

Starting at $189

20 May 2024

Departure date

2 transfers

Starting at $143

18 June 2024

Departure date

Direct flight

Starting at $43

13 July 2024

Departure date

Direct flight

Starting at $34

Nearby airports of Teniente J. Gallardo

It is a good practice to know about nearby airports before departure since airfares may differ drastically. But keep in mind that the lower airport fees for airlines the lower their service level is


Teniente Vidal Airport

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El Calafate Airport

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Mocopulli Airport

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Pres Ibanez Airport

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Malvinas Argentinas International Airport

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Special offers from Teniente J. Gallardo

We keep tight track on airlines' pre-holidays sales and other special offers occurences all the time to let you save maximum amount of funds while traveling to your family or just going out on vacation.

Special offer from Sky Airline on flights from Puerto Natales to Santiago from $56
Puerto Natales


Frequently asked questions about the airport

Answers to questions about the airline that travelers are most interested in

Is there a car rental service at or near Teniente J. Gallardo?

Yes, there are car rental services available at Teniente J. Gallardo Airport. You can find several well-known car rental companies offering their services at the airport to help make your trip more convenient.

Are there any features for business class passengers at Teniente J. Gallardo

At Teniente J. Gallardo Airport, business travelers can benefit from amenities such as VIP lounges, conference facilities, free Wi-Fi, and car rental services. Additionally, the airport offers currency exchange services and various dining options for business travelers.

Are there any features for disabled people at Teniente J. Gallardo?

Teniente J. Gallardo Airport offers facilities for disabled travelers such as accessible restrooms, ramps, elevators, designated parking spaces, and assistance services. It is recommended to contact the airport in advance for specific requests.

Are there any restaurants or cafes at Teniente J. Gallardo?

Yes, there are food courts and cafes at Teniente J. Gallardo Airport. The prices can vary but generally, eating at the airport tends to be slightly more expensive compared to eateries outside the airport.

Are there any hotels or lounge zones at Teniente J. Gallardo?

Yes, there are hotels near Teniente J. Gallardo Airport in Chile. Some hotels offer shuttle services for convenience. Lounge zones may be available inside the airport for passengers with access privileges.

How to get to Teniente J. Gallardo from the city?

To get to Teniente J. Gallardo Airport from the city, you can take a taxi, bus, or shuttle service. The cost of a taxi ride varies depending on your location in the city. Buses and shuttles also operate, but it depends on the schedule and availability. It's recommended to check for updated information closer to your travel date.

Is WiFi available at Teniente J. Gallardo? Is it free?

Yes, WiFi is available at Teniente J. Gallardo Airport. However, specific information on free hotspots may vary, so we recommend checking with the airport authorities upon your arrival for more details.