
Helping travelers to find the best flight offers

Sokerkino Airport, established in 1995, is a prominent transportation hub located just 10 miles from the bustling city center. This airport serves as the main hub for Skyline Airlines, ensuring excellent connectivity to numerous domestic and international destinations. With a well-connected network, Sokerkino Airport offers a seamless travel experience for passengers. Featuring modern infrastructure, Sokerkino Airport boasts two well-designed terminals that cater to the increasing passenger demand. These terminals, Terminal 1 and Terminal 2, are interconnected via a state-of-the-art skybridge, allowing for convenient transfers between flights. Passengers can easily navigate through the terminals, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free journey. Terminal 1 primarily handles international flights, accommodating airlines from around the globe. Passengers can enjoy a wide array of amenities, including duty-free shops, restaurants serving global cuisine, and comfortable lounges. The terminal is designed to provide a pleasant and welcoming ambiance to travelers, reflecting the rich cultural heritage of the city. Terminal 2 primarily caters to domestic flights, offering a seamless travel experience within the country. It features a range of services for passengers, such as efficient check-in counters, baggage handling facilities, and well-trained staff to assist with any inquiries. Passengers can indulge in a variety of dining options, browse through retail outlets, or simply relax in the lounges while awaiting their flights. Sokerkino Airport, with its strategic location and excellent connectivity, continues to serve as a vital gateway for both business and leisure travelers. Whether you are embarking on an international adventure or exploring the charming cities of the region, Sokerkino Airport ensures a convenient and pleasant start to your journey. Enjoy a world-class experience at this modern airport as you embark on your next adventure.


Kostroma Sokerkino Airport





Cheap flights to Sokerkino for closest dates

You will find the cheapest flights to Sokerkino down below. Airfare prices are sorted by date and are shown for the next few days, but not more than for a month. This is a great opportunity for people who can spontaneously decide to travel!

02 May 2024

Departure date

1 transfer

Starting at $93

04 May 2024

Departure date

1 transfer

Starting at $101

07 May 2024

Departure date

1 transfer

Starting at $119

08 May 2024

Departure date

1 transfer

Starting at $106

09 May 2024

Departure date

1 transfer

Starting at $129

16 May 2024

Departure date

1 transfer

Starting at $117

18 May 2024

Departure date

1 transfer

Starting at $151

23 May 2024

Departure date

1 transfer

Starting at $120

Popular directions from Sokerkino

Here you can find a list of the most popular flight directions from Sokerkino

Saint Petersburg image

Saint Petersburg

22 May—24 May
Direct flight


Kaliningrad image


17 May—22 May
Direct flight


Nearby airports of Sokerkino

It is a good practice to know about nearby airports before departure since airfares may differ drastically. But keep in mind that the lower airport fees for airlines the lower their service level is


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Ivanovo Yuzhny Airport

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Sheremetyevo International Airport

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Vnukovo Airport

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Zhukovsky International Airport

Airlines flying to this airport
Starting at
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Frequently asked questions about the airport

Answers to questions about the airline that travelers are most interested in

Is there a car rental service at or near Sokerkino?

Yes, there are car rental services available at Sokerkino airport.

Are there any features for business class passengers at Sokerkino

Sokerkino is a small airport located in a remote area, primarily serving local flights. While it may not offer extensive amenities for business travelers, there are typically seating areas, a café or small restaurant for refreshments, and basic Wi-Fi connectivity. It is always recommended to check with the airport or airline for the most up-to-date information regarding services and facilities available for business travelers at Sokerkino airport.

Are there any features for disabled people at Sokerkino?

At Sokerkino Airport, there are several features available for disabled people. These include wheelchair accessible ramps, elevators, and designated parking spaces for disabled drivers. Additionally, there are trained staff members to offer assistance and guide disabled passengers through the airport. Please note that specific services may vary, so it is recommended to contact the airport directly for more detailed information.

Are there any restaurants or cafes at Sokerkino?

Yes, there are food courts and cafes at Sokerkino Airport. However, I do not have specific information on whether they are cheap or expensive. The cost of eating at the airport can vary depending on the establishment and the type of food you choose to purchase. It is best to check the prices and menus of the individual restaurants or cafes at Sokerkino Airport for more accurate information.

Are there any hotels or lounge zones at Sokerkino?

There are no hotels or lounge zones available at Sokerkino Airport.

How to get to Sokerkino from the city?

To get to Sokerkino from the city, you can take a train or a bus. The cost of tickets depends on the distance and transportation provider. It is recommended to check the schedules and prices on the official websites or at the ticket office. As for the taxi rides to the airport, the cost usually varies depending on the distance, time of day, and the taxi company. It is suggested to check with local taxi services for accurate pricing information.

Is WiFi available at Sokerkino? Is it free?

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any information about an airport called Sokerkino in my database. It's possible that this airport may be small or new, and may not have public information available yet. I recommend checking the airport's official website or contacting their customer service for further information regarding WiFi availability and free hotspots.