Miyazaki Airport

Helping travelers to find the best flight offers


Miyazaki Airport, situated in Miyazaki City, Japan, is a bustling transportation hub for both domestic and international travelers. Founded in 1937, this airport has been seamlessly connecting the city to other parts of the country and the world for over eight decades. Located approximately 10 kilometers south of Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Airport offers convenient access to the heart of the city. Travelers can reach the airport within a short drive or by utilizing taxi services conveniently available throughout the city. This airport serves as a main hub for Japan Airlines (JAL), one of the largest and most reputable airlines in the country. JAL offers a wide range of domestic and international flights, providing convenient connections for travelers from Miyazaki to major destinations around the globe. Miyazaki Airport caters to the needs of countless passengers with its well-designed infrastructure. It consists of two modern terminals that are interconnected, providing a seamless travel experience. Terminal 1 primarily serves domestic flights, while Terminal 2 is dedicated to international departures and arrivals. Travelers can easily navigate between these terminals, thanks to well-marked walkways and efficient shuttle services. Whether you are a local resident exploring other parts of Japan or an international visitor embarking on an adventure in Miyazaki, Miyazaki Airport offers a convenient and efficient travel experience. With its strategic location, extensive airline network, and interconnected terminals, Miyazaki Airport is a crucial gateway that ensures smooth and enjoyable journeys for all travelers.


Miyazaki Airport





Cheap flights to Miyazaki Airport for closest dates

You will find the cheapest flights to Miyazaki Airport down below. Airfare prices are sorted by date and are shown for the next few days, but not more than for a month. This is a great opportunity for people who can spontaneously decide to travel!

Tokyo — MiyazakiTYO — KMI

17 May 2024

Departure date

Direct flight

Starting at $80

Tokyo — MiyazakiTYO — KMI

26 May 2024

Departure date

Direct flight

Starting at $78

Moscow — MiyazakiMOW — KMI

27 May 2024

Departure date

2 transfers

Starting at $312

Moscow — MiyazakiMOW — KMI

31 May 2024

Departure date

2 transfers

Starting at $312

01 June 2024

Departure date

4 transfers

Starting at $580

16 June 2024

Departure date

1 transfer

Starting at $126

Nearby airports of Miyazaki Airport

It is a good practice to know about nearby airports before departure since airfares may differ drastically. But keep in mind that the lower airport fees for airlines the lower their service level is


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Frequently asked questions about the airport

Answers to questions about the airline that travelers are most interested in

Is there a car rental service at or near Miyazaki Airport?

Yes, there are car rental services available at Miyazaki Airport.

Are there any features for business class passengers at Miyazaki Airport

Miyazaki Airport provides various amenities for business travelers. These include a business lounge with comfortable seating, free Wi-Fi, and charging points for electronic devices. Additionally, there are conference rooms available for meetings and presentations. The airport also offers car rental services, currency exchange, and a range of dining options for business travelers.

Are there any features for disabled people at Miyazaki Airport?

Miyazaki Airport offers various features for disabled people. These include accessible parking spaces, ramps, elevators, and accessible restrooms throughout the airport. There are also designated seating areas for disabled passengers and staff members available to assist. Additionally, the airport provides wheelchairs for use within the terminal.

Are there any restaurants or cafes at Miyazaki Airport?

Yes, there are food courts and cafes at Miyazaki Airport. The prices vary depending on the specific establishment, but generally, eating at the airport can be slightly more expensive compared to outside options. However, it's advisable to check the prices and menus at the individual cafes and restaurants for a better understanding of the cost.

Are there any hotels or lounge zones at Miyazaki Airport?

Yes, Miyazaki Airport has hotels and lounge zones available for passengers. The airport has a hotel located nearby called the Hotel Sky Tower Miyazaki Airport. In addition, there are also lounge zones within the airport where passengers can relax before their flight.

How to get to Miyazaki Airport from the city?

To get to Miyazaki Airport from the city, you can use either trains or buses. The train ride takes approximately 15 minutes and costs around 400 yen. Buses are also available and the fare is around 800 yen. As for taxi rides, the usual cost varies depending on the distance and traffic conditions, but it can be around 1,500 yen to 2,000 yen.

Is WiFi available at Miyazaki Airport? Is it free?

Yes, WiFi is available at Miyazaki Airport. There are free hotspots available for passengers to use.