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Huambo Airport, also known as Albano Machado Airport, is an international airport located in the city of Huambo, Angola. Founded in 1924, Huambo Airport serves as a major hub for TAAG Angola Airlines, which uses it as its main base of operations. The airport is situated approximately 4 kilometers northeast of the city center. Huambo Airport consists of one terminal building, which houses both domestic and international flights. The terminal is well-designed and efficiently laid out, making it easy for passengers to navigate through the various facilities. The terminal is also equipped with modern amenities and services to ensure a comfortable travel experience for passengers. Overall, Huambo Airport is an important transportation hub in Angola, connecting the city of Huambo to various domestic and international destinations. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, Huambo Airport can provide a convenient and seamless travel experience for all passengers.


Nova Lisboa Airport





Cheap flights to Huambo for closest dates

You will find the cheapest flights to Huambo down below. Airfare prices are sorted by date and are shown for the next few days, but not more than for a month. This is a great opportunity for people who can spontaneously decide to travel!

Bishkek — HuamboFRU — NOV

26 June 2024

Departure date

3 transfers

Starting at $856

Bangkok — HuamboBKK — NOV

01 August 2024

Departure date

3 transfers

Starting at $984

Nearby airports of Huambo

It is a good practice to know about nearby airports before departure since airfares may differ drastically. But keep in mind that the lower airport fees for airlines the lower their service level is


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Frequently asked questions about the airport

Answers to questions about the airline that travelers are most interested in

Is there a car rental service at or near Huambo?

Yes, there are car rental services available at Huambo Airport. You can easily rent a car from various rental companies located at the airport, offering a range of vehicles to choose from for your convenience.

Are there any features for business class passengers at Huambo

Huambo Airport in Angola offers basic services like lounges, Wi-Fi, and business facilities for business travelers. However, amenities may be limited compared to larger international airports. It's recommended to check directly with the airport for the most up-to-date information.

Are there any features for disabled people at Huambo?

Huambo Airport in Angola offers assistance for disabled passengers, including wheelchair accessibility, ramps, and designated parking spaces. Additionally, staff members are available to provide support and guidance throughout the airport.

Are there any restaurants or cafes at Huambo?

Huambo Airport in Angola has a cafe offering snacks and beverages. Prices can vary but are generally affordable compared to other airports.

Are there any hotels or lounge zones at Huambo?

Yes, there are hotels in Huambo city, but there are no lounge zones available at Huambo Airport. If you need a place to relax, you may consider booking a hotel room nearby.

How to get to Huambo from the city?

To get to Huambo from the city, you can take a bus or shared taxi. There are no trains available. The cost of bus tickets varies depending on the operator. The usual cost of a taxi ride to the airport depends on the distance and traffic conditions, but it is approximately $10 to $20.

Is WiFi available at Huambo? Is it free?

Yes, WiFi is available at Huambo Airport. There may be free hotspots provided by the airport or airlines, but availability is subject to change. It's recommended to check with airport staff upon your arrival for the most up-to-date information.